About Claire Morton: Meditation and Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) practitioner Claire Morton is one of the UK’s most sought-after transformational well-being coaches. Claire specializes in helping high performers “sort their head out” with her unique blend of science-based education, NLP, and a no-BS straight talking approach that supports individuals to live their lives to their full potential through her online programs.

Having successfully worked with a large number of high performers, cultivating their mental, emotional, spiritual, and business performance through deep subconscious coaching and meditation practices. Claire decided to focus her 20+ years of coaching experience to a pure and deep level, knowing that her coaching has the capability to change lives completely and positively, to level up and change the world for the better.

Claire continues to coach, guide, and support her clients and students with a coaching model based on love, trust, honesty and above all, a sense of humor. She has a talent and connection that brings out the best in people.


In this episode, Adam and Claire discuss:

Getting rid of stressThe truth about mediationTaking a break from technologyMaking a change and improving your life


Key Takeaways:

You can get rid of stress through meditation, breath work and personal development. This could also help you really connect with who you were again.Meditation is not about clearing the mind; it's about observing the mind and about surrendering and letting go.Technology helps people stay connected in a variety of ways. However, this resulted in a sense of alienation, and people are now more than ever feeling alone. Instead of spending too much time on technology, practice yoga or engage in physical activity.People can improve their lives by starting meditating, expressing gratitude, and practicing self-love. 


“You can't develop, and you can't transform your life until you sit with yourself, and you become aware of your thoughts and become aware of your emotions and how you feel.” – Claire Morton


Connect with Claire Morton:

Website: https://thepurpose-pusher.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/claire.morton.735

Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_purposepusher?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwVdScMLQmvCpwoYLHLA32Q

LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/claire-morton-clairelouisecoaching


Connect With Adam Weber:

Website: https://meditationnotmedicine.com/about/

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easytomeditate

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meditationnotmedicine/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPnbji9rDrCfxhY0W8sHL9A

Book: Meditation Not Medicine


Show notes by Podcastologist: Angelica Rayco.

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.