Next Episode: Sleep for Health

Today’s episode is all about the macronutrients (aka macros) that really impact health. We all know about carbs. You can’t go far without hearing about how we need to cut them out. But what do you put in their place? Protein and Fat. 

Pack in the Protein

How much protein do you need?Healthy protein sources for mealsBeansNutsSoy protein EggsEasy protein snacks

Finish it with Fats

How much fat do you need?Types of fats: SFA, MUFA, PUFASFA: saturated fats. Usually from animalsMUFA: olive oil, canola oil, avocadoPUFA:Corn oilOmega-3ALA: walnuts, flax seedDHA: fish oilHealthy fat sourcesEasy fat snacks


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