Ep #213: The Goal Delusion Problem and How to Set Better Career Goals for 2024

Are your goals for 2024 achievable? Or have you fallen into the goal delusion trap? Goal delusion is so insidious, because it not only stops you from advancing your career…but it can also sabotage your attempts to: build meaningful relationships with executive leadership, advocate for the raise you already deserve, and show up like the corporate badass you are to executive-level interviews. So if you struggle to achieve the career goals you set for yourself each year OR you do achieve them, but nothing really changes…then you may be suffering from a case of goal delusion. In this episode of Women Changing Leadership with Stacy Mayer, I’m going to show you how to know if you’re being delusional about your goals AND how to set better ones so you can achieve bigger, better results in your career and life in 2024.

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