Ep #214: Become Your Boss's Favorite on Your Terms

If you want to be your boss’s successor, it can feel super demotivating when they have a favorite – and it isn’t you. On the other hand, it can also feel icky and super inauthentic to become your boss’s ‘yes’ person in the hopes of winning their favor and getting the promotion you want. But there’s a middle way. You can become your boss’s favorite on your terms, while also: building trust that you can lead at a higher level by including your boss in conversations the right way; proactively creating alignment with the entire executive team so you understand what really matters to your organization; and increasing your political savvy so you can disagree with your boss and still be heard. In this episode of Women Changing Leadership with Stacy Mayer, I’ll show you very specific tips and tools so you can set yourself up to become your boss’s successor and receive the promotion you already deserve.

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