Ep #212: Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors with Erica Anderson Rooney.

Welcome to 2024!!! I’m coming to you today with the perfect episode to kick off the new year. It’s with keynote speaker, author, Chief People Officer and gender equality crusader, Erica Anderson Rooney, and I’m so excited to share it with you because we dive into two topics that are near and dear to my heart: 1. This episode is going to arm you with the tools and knowledge you need to overcome your sticky floors (AKA: the things keeping you stuck in your current role) so you can smash the glass ceiling at your organization. And 2. The world – not just your company – needs your visionary leadership, and Erica is the perfect example of what it looks like when executive leaders put their powerful thought leadership out into the world. Let’s get started.

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