Ep #211: How to Advance Your Career as a Woman in Leadership

You’re a corporate badass. You’re great at what you do. And in 2024, I want you to be rewarded handsomely for it. In this episode of Women Changing Leadership with Stacy Mayer, I’m bringing you a training I did recently where I laid out exactly what it’s going to take to get the executive-level promotion you deserve (not to mention the recognition, money, and influence) in the new year. This is a back-to-basics episode packed with the exact promotion strategies that have helped my clients receive promotions, skip-level promotions, multiple six-figure salary increases (and more) without having to “work harder”, have all the answers, or be the smartest person in the room. We need you and women like you in the executive suite in 2024, and this episode is going to give you the fuel you need to get there.

Are you ready to be promoted?  Take this free quiz and find out.  You could be closer than you think (or not).