Previous Episode: Virtual Class: The Elbow

[su_note note_color=”#d3d3d3″] EP40:  Nature of being a martial artist We are back! Episode 40 kicks off with a bang with Matt discussing something many have…

The post EP40: Being a martial artist first appeared on Pramek.

[su_note note_color=”#d3d3d3″] EP40:  Nature of being a martial artist

We are back! Episode 40 kicks off with a bang with Matt discussing something many have forgotten.

Are you cool under pressure? Do you move like lightening? Do you have the fighting spirit? These are how people used to look at martial artists.

How do we reclaim this? How do make our martial art who we are, everyday, all the time.

On this episode Matt discusses:

– What’s new, fitness, a loss to the podcasting community, and Fitbit obsession.

– What movement, mindset, and spirit truly are – and how we can embody them.

– The loss of martial art movement to the fitness community – and retaking our movement.

– The 3 things you can do today to change how you do martial arts today.

– Music, Ralph Macchio, individualism, and so much more on this episode…

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The post EP40: Being a martial artist first appeared on Pramek.