Beginning our new series, Virtual Class is HD instruction from weekly classes in Atlanta. Ranging from 30-45 minutes in length, shot with HD cameras and…

Beginning our new series, Virtual Class is HD instruction from weekly classes in Atlanta.

Ranging from 30-45 minutes in length, shot with HD cameras and students cameras, these videos are indepth, organic, and sometimes hilarious instructional’s on a variety of topics.

One question we are often asked, ‘How does Pramek use the martial art elbow?’

Topics include

-The mechanics of throwing the elbow

-Two elbows everyone should learn

-How to penetrate into a swinging attack

-A devastating elbow from the clinch

-Targeting and why some elbows do not work

-How you can get knocked out – by your own hands

-How to grab to get the best penetration with the elbow

…and much more.

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