[su_note note_color=”#d3d3d3″] EP41:  Women’s Self Defense Episode 41 is one for the ages…a realistic view of women’s self defense. Too often women’s self-defense resembles a…

The post Ep41: Women’s Self-Defense first appeared on Pramek.

[su_note note_color=”#d3d3d3″] EP41:  Women’s Self Defense

Episode 41 is one for the ages…a realistic view of women’s self defense.

Too often women’s self-defense resembles a bad episode of the Oprah Winfrey show. It ignores the fact that women’s psychology is the first thing that has to be trained…everything else is secondary.

Based on a question from a student, Matt talks about the true nature of women’s self-defense.

On this episode Matt discusses:

– The structure of a women’s self defense class

– The number one rule of all women’s training…and why you can never break it.

– The brutal reality of women’s self-defense psychology.

– How not to cheat your students, male or female, in teaching technique…

– How you are teaching wrong, right, and how to fix it…

Right Click and Download here.

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The post Ep41: Women’s Self-Defense first appeared on Pramek.