Selections from ZDM Mathematics Education 51(3) Identity in Mathematics Education

(02:38) Mellony Graven & Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim—Mathematics identity research: The state of the art and future directions

(06:50) Olga O. Fellus—Connecting the dots: Toward a networked framework to conceptualizing identity in mathematics education

(12:21) Maisie L. Gholson & Danny B. Martin—Blackgirl face: Racialized and gendered performativity in mathematical contexts

(20:57) Sonja Lutovac & Raimo Kaasila—Methodological landscape in research on teacher identity in mathematics education: A review

(26:09) Lisa Darragh & Darinka Radovic—“To Tia with love”: Chilean mathematics teacher identities after professional development

(31:28) Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim & Galit Shabtay—Narratives of ‘good’ instruction: Teachers’ identities as drawing on exploration vs. acquisition pedagogical discourses