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Welcome to the Master Dealmaker Secrets podcast! In this episode, we're exploring the five reasons why business owners often stumble when they decide to build a sales team.

For many entrepreneurs, the journey begins with the realisation that they no longer want to handle sales themselves. They've been the driving force behind their company's sales efforts and have decided it's time to bring in a salesperson. But how they go about it can make or break their success.

The first reason is a common mistake. Not profiling the role they're looking to fill properly. Just like creating a targeted advertisement, understanding the profile of the ideal salesperson is crucial. What's their demographic? What's their background? Do they have industry-specific knowledge or experience? Defining this profile sets the foundation for attracting the right candidate.

The second pitfall is the lack of a screening process. Hiring a salesperson isn't the same as hiring for other roles. To identify potential sales champions, business owners need to employ a sales-specific behavior profiling tool. This tool helps ensure that the person they bring on board is likely to succeed in the sales role.

Next up is the absence of a documented sales process. Many businesses simply throw their new hires into the deep end, hoping they'll figure it out. But this sink-or-swim approach often leads to failure. 

To set salespeople up for success, businesses should have a clear, documented sales process in place that empowers new hires to hit the ground running and build their confidence.

Have you found yourself struggling with your team’s performance? Do you want to know what the 5 biggest reasons why business owners fail when building a sales team are? Listen to this episode to find out!

If you're a business owner and you are thinking about expanding your sales team, or you already have one but it’s not working as it should this episode will help you immensely. You are going to have the tools to know what to focus on so that you don’t make any of the common mistakes business owners make, and you are going to be able to get the most out of your sales team.

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.