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Welcome to the Master Dealmaker Secrets podcast. In today's episode, we're diving into some critical insights about sales conversations. Specifically, we'll explore the three worst questions you should never ask during the discovery phase of your sales process. 

These questions can be detrimental to your sales success, but don’t worry, I'm not just going to give you the questions, I'm also going to give you more appropriate questions that would be a better thing to ask.

The first question you should steer clear of is, "What keeps you up at night?" It's an overused and insensitive query that often comes across as clichéd. Instead, a more effective approach is to start the conversation by asking, "What made you decide to get in touch with us?" 

This opening question allows the potential client to share what's top of mind for them, whether it's a problem they need to solve or a desire to improve their situation.

That's a way better place to start. Because, first of all, there might not be anything that keeps them up at night. They might actually be somebody who doesn't have a problem. They just want to make things better.

About 72% of people are coming to you to solve a problem. But there is a relatively high number like about 28 to 30% of people that are simply coming to you because things are going well, but they want to go to the next level. So they are moving toward a better outcome rather than away from something that they're not happy with. 

The second question to avoid is, "What are your biggest challenges?" This question can backfire because not everyone sees their issues as challenges. 

The third question to skip is, "What would it take to win your business?" This question is outdated and can make the sales process feel adversarial. Instead, focus on building rapport and understanding the prospect's motivations. Avoid using combative language and strive to create a collaborative atmosphere during the conversation.

So, what should you ask instead? Listen to this episode to find out!

Learn to approach clients in a way that encourages the prospect to discuss their priorities and allows you to better understand their needs.

Additionally, in this episode, we are going to talk about the questions that allow the prospect to share their perspective and highlight the potential consequences of not addressing their needs.

So, don’t miss this episode, remember it's crucial to maintain a strong connection with your prospect throughout the conversation. Listen actively and respond empathetically to what they share. Don't rush through your questions; instead, create an environment where the prospect can explore their challenges and motivations openly.

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