Visit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

2022 is coming to an end and what a year it’s been! 

I’d like to personally thank you all for listening to this podcast throughout the year and for all the awesome feedback I’ve received from you. 

Given that this year is almost over, I thought it would be a great idea to look back and make a top 10 list of the best episodes of the year.  

The criteria I followed to determine which ones were the best was to take a look at how many people listened to and downloaded every episode. This was very useful because I could see what were the topics that were more valuable to you and to your business. 

You can think of this episode as a cheat sheet for you to get to some of the gold that we've covered this year. 

Listen to this episode to know what people found to be the most relevant information for their particular needs, I know that you can find it just as valuable. And things just got better for you because now you have a quick way of accessing this information. 

Once again, I really want to thank you, I very much appreciate you listening to Master Dealmaker Secrets and I assure you there is a lot more where that came from this year so, stay tuned.  

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.