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In this episode, we are going to talk about how to hit goals using the power of accountability, specifically how you can leverage it to get more things done and to achieve your goals faster.  

I’d like to start by sharing some research with you which I think will stand to reason.  

There is a study on accountability by the Association for Talent Development in which they found that individuals have the following probabilities of completing a goal by taking the following actions.  

The first action is that they've got a goal. And they say they've just established that they have a goal, they've probably just formulated the idea and it's something that they want to do, it's on their list of things to do.  

The research said that there is a 10% likelihood that that particular person will complete that goal.   

The second one is having the goal but consciously deciding that you will do it. So that is making a decision in your own head, that you will get that particular goal completed or you will get that particular task done, there's a 25% likelihood that that particular goal will be completed.   

But there is a third action you can take to accomplish what you want. With this action, you can expect a 40% likelihood that you will complete that particular goal.  

But there is more. By introducing accountability, you can expect up to a 95% possibility that you'll actually complete that goal.   And here is where things get interesting. 

How is this done?  Listen to this episode to find out.  

In episode 169, I am going to share with you the philosophy behind using accountability to hit goals and I am going to give you examples from my professional life that have taught me how effective it is to use accountability as leverage so that you can hit your goals more quickly and more frequently. 

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