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People in sales, and business owners, especially if they’re in the startup phase are very unlikely to take holidays.  

Many people say they don’t need one, but I believe everyone needs to take a break once in a while. 

Why am I talking about this? Because I'm about to take a holiday and I haven't had one for a while. 

So, since I'm preparing for my trip, I realised there are a couple of things that I thought were worth sharing. 

Today, we are going to be talking about the three biggest ironies around taking a holiday. 

As I mentioned, I know lots of people that I'm associated with that don't really take breaks. They often have good lifestyles, but they don't really feel like they need a couple of days off. 

And that’s the first irony. It's not until you are on the holiday that you realise how much you actually needed it.  

From my own example, what I realised is that it actually takes me three days to wind down and relax. 

What that says to me is that it's a pretty high level of cortisol I’m cruising around with if it takes me three days to actually be able to loosen up. 

Resting is very important, and we often ignore how important it is but, the best part about holidays is that taking a break doesn’t mean you can’t be productive. Au contraire, you and your business can benefit tremendously from simply taking a few days off. 

Why? Listen to this episode to know the reason. We’re going to ponder on the role holidays take in our personal lives and in our business lives so that you can have another view on the topic.  

Don’t miss this episode, I’m sure it will help you realise how beneficial holidays really are. 

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