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As I've said previously, there is a battle going on for your attention. 

Lately, I have noticed a trend where business educators will use controversial contrary statements simply to get people to pay attention. 

We've talked about some of these remarks around relationships in sales, and today, we are going to talk about yet another controversial premise they teach... 

That sales scripts don't work. 

First of all, let’s be very clear about this. Yes, you can very easily sound scripted. If you simply read a script word for word, then people are very unlikely to buy from you. 

But if you think about every single movie, your favorite movies that you watch over and over and over again, your favorite TV series that you continue to watch time and time and time again, season after season after season. What are the common denominators? They are all scripted!  

What do movies have to do with all this?   

Let’s think about the difference between a crap movie and a great movie. A big difference is that actors learned the script, actors internalised it and made the script part of them. That’s how actors become so convincing in a particular role.   

Reading word for word without internalising any of what you are reading will make you sound scripted. If you sound scripted, people will very unlikely buy from you. But if you can internalise a properly made script, you can really use it to your advantage.  

Listen to this episode to learn what the elements that make a great script are and to know how you can benefit from using them in your sales conversations.  

This is my bread and butter, I create scripts for my clients all the time (not just sales scripts either) and I've seen, time and time again, how powerful they can be when done right so, make sure you listen to this episode to fully grasp how you can exploit them. 

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.