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Today, I'm really excited because we are going to be talking to Ben Wolff from Wolff Energy Solutions. Ben has been a client of mine for over 12 months, and his business is a real inspiration.  

He has built a trades-based business upon core cultural values, and the lessons and the growth curve that he's been on over the last seven years are certainly a great example for anyone that wants to grow or scale a business.  

Ben started his apprenticeship with a tier-one company back in the day, doing commercial construction projects. He finished his apprenticeship with them and then spent a few years as a tradesman.  

He just generally felt unappreciated there, like everyone was a number, falling on deaf ears. Ben was working a lot of hours, but his contributions meant nothing to his superiors. 

All of a sudden, everyone stopped caring about anyone so, Ben didn't like that, he needed a change. He didn't really have a solid plan at the start when he made the leap, but he knew he just couldn't keep doing what he was doing. He knew he could be a much better boss than what he was experiencing in construction. 

So, when he started his company, he knew very well that one of the core elements of Wolff Energy Solutions had to be culture; he knew he had to build his business upon a work culture able to provide a healthy environment for everyone involved in the business. 

Today, Ben is going to share with us today what are some of the philosophies that have contributed to the success and the growth of his business; what role has coaching played in the growth of his company, among many other relevant aspects of scaling a business. 

Listen to this episode to know what the keys to successfully growing a business are, this was a really valuable conversation and I know you are going to get a lot out of it, especially if you are currently building your own business or thinking about doing so. 

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.