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In this episode of the Master Dealmaker Secrets Podcast, I am going to share with you the top 5 personal development books that top salespeople own, that others don't. 

One of the keys to becoming a really good business professional or sales professional is you need to have resilience, and you need to have a really solid foundation of personal development. 

Why? Because you are going to experience rejection, and you're going to experience things that don't go so well, there’s no other way around it.  

You need to have a good coat of armor to be able to bounce back fast from those situations, but most importantly, to have them affect you the least, and in my experience, these books are such a key part of that. 

The first one of them is Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer. Believe it or not, I read this book when I was 13. I don't know whether I'm a freak, whether I could sort of digested all of that at 13, but it became the foundation; this book was the catalyst that put me on the personal development journey.  

The second one is Psycho-Cybernetics. It was written by Maxwell Maltz, an unusual guy to write a personal development book because he was a plastic surgeon at the time. 

He discovered that he would get all these people that would come in and want some plastic surgery done. He would perform the plastic surgery and then what would happen is that, once they healed, they would look at themselves and a large percentage of them wouldn't see any change.  

So, what he started to look into was how people viewed themselves, this whole idea of self-image. The best thing about the book is that it talks about manufactured memories, and it talks about the theater of the mind, and how you can influence future events positively through visualisation. 

Of course, there is a lot more to talk about these books than what I’m sharing with you here, and we haven’t even gone through the whole list. So, listen to this episode to know what these 5 books are, what are the lessons they teach, and why I think they are incredibly valuable. 

These 5 books have helped me a lot in my career and I know you can find them just as useful as I do. 

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