In this episode of Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists, host Kim Gross delves into the often misunderstood concept of self-care with guest Holly Swenson, an author and advocate for integrating self-care into parenting and beyond. They debunk the limited perception of self-care as merely indulging in bubble baths or massages, emphasizing its deeper significance in cultivating mental wellness, setting boundaries, and maintaining balance. Through personal stories and practical advice, this discussion highlights the importance of self-care routines, mindfulness, and allowing oneself to dream as pivotal for not just personal well-being, but also in enhancing parental roles. Key takeaways include embracing small, daily acts of self-care, the impact of environmental factors like aromatherapy and calming music, and the broader implications of self-care in nurturing compassion, setting healthy boundaries, and sustaining joy in one's life.

About Holly:

Holly Swenson is an award-winning author, BSN, RN, wellness blogger, mother to four incredible sons, and perpetual student of life. She is on a mission to raise the bar for parents and is working hard to promote more wellness, joy, and intention for parenting and beyond. She believes learning how to tend to "you" before tackling life's tasks and demands is the key to opening the door to thriving in life, and not just merely surviving. Holly will teach you how to balance the demand of parenthood with more consciousness, grace and gentility, not just for your own benefit, but for the lives you are responsible for shaping.

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Instagram: @hollyswenson_liveyourglow

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