Previous Episode: The "Motherhood" Mask
Next Episode: I AM WHOLE

Have you noticed yourself “playing it small” in life? Do you find yourself being afraid to step into courage and would rather be safe and comfortable? Many of us can be courageous in some parts of our lives and other parts we hide behind the mask of comfortability and safety. The problem with doing this is that we are not in alignment with our authentic self when we do this and it can cause much pain and suffering. Kim and Tia share how this shows up in their lives and they share that when they take this mask off and step into courage there is more freedom and empowerment in their lives. Kim and Tia challenge the listeners to find one area in their lives where they are hiding behind the mask of comfortability and step into courage by taking that mask off. Share with us your experience in the Facebook community (link is below if you are not a member).

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you can’t have both.” ~ Brene Brown

To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link.

Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses

To Contact Us:

Instagram: @masksoffcommunity

FB Masks Off Community:

Masks Off Email: [email protected]

Masks Off YouTube Channel:

Tia Fagan


Facebook: @tiafagancoach

Instagram: @tiafagancoach

Email: [email protected]

Kim Gross


Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy

Email: [email protected]