No matter what we have going on in our lives there will always be pain. The key is how we respond to that pain. One thing that can cause a lot of pain for us is that we wear masks and do not show up as our true selves. It can be very painful and cause so much suffering in our lives when we choose to hide who we truly are. It is not easy to unmask and to do the healing work especially with the busy lives we live. The truth is though that when we are on our deathbeds I can guarantee you that you will not want to look back on your life and wish that you were not so afraid to be your true self and to show up fully as you are. In this episode Melissa and I share how the perfection mask can still show up for us in our lives, but the difference is that we now know from doing so much inner work that we catch ourselves wearing the mask and we have compassion for ourselves to remove the mask again, one layer at a time. 

Pain is an inevitable part of life, but how we respond to it determines whether we suffer or not.

Wearing masks and hiding our true selves can cause a lot of pain and suffering in our lives.

Unmasking and doing the inner work to be our true selves can be challenging, but it's worth it to live a life without regrets.

About Melissa: 

Melissa is a purpose and mindset coach, mindfulness teacher, lawyer, podcaster. She uses deep inquiry, mindfulness, and principles of somatics to move beyond imposterism and perfectionism to create space in the mind, and uncover our true, whole, integrated selves. 

As a lawyer for over 20 years, she has witnessed many who work and live out of alignment with their values and purpose—often because they don’t know their worth, regardless of their successes. Many feel like imposters waiting to get exposed, and afraid that who they really are isn’t enough. 

 As a person with 23 years in recovery from alcohol use disorder and a life-long ADHD-er, Melissa is all too familiar with what the experience of imposterism can do. After years of living behind the mask of imposterism, she now lives authentically and regularly shares her story to destigmatize both alcohol use disorder and ADHD. She leads meditation and mindfulness practices, leads workshops on overcoming imposterism and destigmatizing addiction and neurodivergence, offering hope and resilience tools to everyone who might want them.

 Melissa has been a mindfulness practitioner for over 25 years, learning at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and later certifying through Dallas Yoga Center. She is a certified coach in life design and trained in somatics and Reiki, and has been leading mindfulness practices for several years. Her podcast, The Fully Mindful, explores mindfulness, purpose, and what it is to be a human among humans. 

Connect with Melissa:

 You can find her at, where you will also find her podcast of the same name.

Instagram: @thefullymindful or link here:


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TikTok: @kimgross24

Masks Off Instagram: @masksoffcommunity

Facebook: Kim.gross.104

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