Do you have a difficult time watching your loved ones when they are struggling and in emotional pain? Do you feel like you want to fix peoples’ problems because you can’t bear that pain?

In this episode, Kim and Tia explore that the 'rescuer' truly wants to avoid their own emotional pain, which is why they want to fix the other. When we feel anxious and fearful we often want to control the situation to try to have those feelings go away. Beginning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable is when we are able to grow and set aside our 'rescuer' mask. Then we allow the other to do the same because they now have the opportunity to work through their own pain. Rather than fixing another and rescuing them from their suffering, we can be supportive and just be there for that person because we are now comfortable with the uncomfortable. The key is not to be enmeshed and trust that the other will find their own solutions. When we are able to understand and accept that pain is only energy then it becomes easier to allow for our own and others pain to ebb and flow. With this acceptance and deep compassion, the need to fix and rescue dissipates.

“Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it.”

~ S.C. Lourie

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Tia Fagan


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Kim Gross


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Email: [email protected]