Rebecca Doring is an epitome of what is possible when you befriend your masks. This means that whenever you do the innerwork and heal those patterns from the past as well as current patterns, you can experience joy, peace and freedom.  Rebecca fully experienced what it was like to wear the people-pleaser mask as a little girl and later the perfection mask while at culinary school. She experienced tremendous pressure from the school as well as internal pressure and realized that she could not sustain this type of living. She changed course in her life and as a result of the innerwork she created a life and a business that she loves and has found a pathway to true freedom. To learn more take a listen.


Rebecca Doring - Meditation Teacher, Personal-Development Coach - helps professional women learn how to manage their inner critics so that they can realign with their authentic purpose, go after and achieve their goals, and finally create the impact they know they are meant to have.

After achieving a lifelong dream of graduating from The Culinary Institute of America with a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts, and still feeling unfulfilled and burnt out, Rebecca left the food industry, discovered meditation, and unintentionally discovered herself. Now she knows the potential of rewriting the story of perfectionism to one of going after goals living fully, while having her own back. She's guided hundreds of people through the same process helping them finally find the freedom, joy, and impact they've been seeking.

Rebecca's the host of The Deep Rooted Bliss Podcast and the founder of the online program Inner Critic Freedom and the creator of the online self-development membership, Daily Roots.


The Deep Rooted Bliss Podcast on all major podcast platforms

Connect with Kim:

TikTok: @kimgross24

Masks Off Instagram: @masksoffcommunity

Facebook: Kim.gross.104

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Masks Off email: [email protected]



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