Have you ever experienced a time or maybe it happens a lot where you allow another to completely unravel you? Maybe you have been in a situation where you allowed another to control you or manipulate you into doing something you didn’t want to do only to feel totally triggered after. This is something that happens a lot in our relationships. The key is to own our part in these situations and to fully own that we are co-creators of our lives. Sure, we can be triggered by another but we still need to go inward and investigate what is going on with us and what is this moment here to teach me. While this practice can be very challenging it really is the only way to freedom.

“You are a co-creator of your life and a shaper of your reality” ~ Dr. Shefali Tsabary

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Kim Gross

Website: unlock-yourmind.com

Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy

Email: [email protected]

Episode 113