Perry Cheathem noticed swelling in his legs in 2014. After many rounds of chemo that were not working, Perry had his life-saving bone marrow transplant in June of 2015. This determined man of faith and dad of five children says he was actually honored to get cancer, deciding it was a testimony to help others. He was not afraid and is at peace with the process, walking with God through it all. 

Perry shares his donor story and his desire to help build awareness of the donor process, especially as it relates to minorities. Perry's Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) issues included dry eyes, dry mouth, and speech issues. These led to dental and breathing issues. But it just doesn't stop this determined, resilient guy from sticking to it and succeeding. In fact, Perry was recently able to run a three mile race. 

Perry shares his story of love and support from family and friends--and you won't want to miss a 20-year story of friendship that stood the test of time. Perry hasn't let cancer define him and his story will inspire you to keep moving forward and plan for the future with grace and love in your heart.

The information in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your health care provider regarding your medical decisions and treatment. The listed resources are not intended to be endorsements.


National Bone Marrow Transplant Link - (800) LINK-BMT, or (800) 546-5268.

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