In this inaugural episode of The Fourth Revolution, brought to you by Bartell, we tapped into the fervent passion that Bartell employees have for the automotive industry, and why one particular team member’s love for cars gives him an edge in the marketplace. We sat down with marketing content coordinator Jonathan Kahn to discuss why passion drives the most compelling content.
Kahn, a lifelong fan of all things automotive and high performance, said he can be found most early Sunday mornings tuned into Formula 1 racing. His father's passion for cars made its way to him, but that passion never made its way into Kahn's work until he made it to Bartell. Kahn uses a fan’s perspective and natural curiosity to tell compelling stories about Bartell manufacturing components, a unique position for him in the industry.
“Before [Bartell], I knew the different types of tires for a Formula 1 car, but now I’m really learning about the engineering and science behind it and why those tires are so good,” said Kahn. “So now, not only am I creating content that is engaging for the consumer but on a daily basis I get to learn more, too."
“It’s great that the work that I do and the content I’m creating is a passion I have in my outside world as well,” he said. “It is the best of both worlds for me.”
Listen to Kahn explain the power that passion for your industry can have on the content you're creating, and why it's so important to find a way to link your hobbies with your work and your work with your hobbies.