Generosity works. When you serve, you earn the right to serve again. Over time, you earn enough trust to ask for the sale. This used to be hard to scale, but not anymore. It starts with a genuine desire to help, and as I've learned - what you get in return might surprise you.
The post The Service Disposition appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

We Exist to Serve Others

When you do someone a favor, it sparks the urge to reciprocate. The favor has to be genuine. It creates a little vacuum that the recipient wants to fill.

This dynamic is at the core of content marketing.

The best thing you can do then is to show up with the genuine intent to serve. This has always been the case in business we serve our customers. But in today’s world, take it one counterintuitive step further. You have to serve people before they’re your customers.

Generosity works. Not only does it make you feel good, but it’s also the key to unlocking business growth. This used to be hard to scale, but not anymore. You can now produce and propagate content to serve thousands of people at once. You can talk to them like it’s one-to-one. You can serve, at scale.

When you serve, you earn the right to serve again. Over time, you earn enough trust to ask for the sale. You can’t ask too often and you can’t ask too much.

But when it comes time to ask your best customers will come through for you.

Episode 94 is about adopting what I call the “service disposition,” in every aspect of your business a lesson that I learned from content marketing. Listen to the episode here or subscribe in iTunes.

Show Notes

Here are links to the articles I mentioned in the episode:

Content marketing is more effective when you serve by teaching: Producing Content to Educate Your Customers.
It has to be done with a strategy, though: The Four Principles of Teaching Your Customers.
And it can lead to the logical outcome of building an online course for customer acquisition or customer on-boarding.
Here’s the episode where I asked your opinion about adding sponsorships to this podcast.

Subscribe here (and select podcast / every new post) if you want to be notified as soon as new episodes are published!

Published May 22, 2017 by .

The post The Service Disposition appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.