Once a podcast reaches a certain level, it's time to at least consider getting sponsorships. Let's look at the positives and negatives in monetizing a podcast - and how it applies to this show in particular.
The post Podcast Sponsorships: Your Opinion appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

Once a podcast gets to a certain level, it’s time to at least consider getting sponsorships. It’s not a no-brainer though. Like anything, there are positives and negatives. Making a little money from the show is great, but would it disrupt the listener experience too much?

I’ve hesitated to this point because of the potential downsides, but now I want to ask your opinion. Please listen to this episode and help me decide the right direction for this show.

I create this podcast to give you general help and advice on content strategy for free, based on my experience as a practitioner using this stuff every day. I always aim to live what I teach, and ads are not a strategy I lean on too much. I believe more in organic growth, and respecting the customer rather than being pushy.

Don’t get me wrong: Ads can help with the “Awareness Stage,” as long as they are good, valuable content. Just because you run an ad doesn’t mean that you abandon the principles of content marketing. You should always be asking yourself, “What kind of value can I bring to my audience, even if it’s in an ad?”

Anyway, these are the things I’ve been considering please have a listen and let me know what you think in the comments here on the show page, or via your favorite social platform (I’m everywhere!).

Listen to the episode here or subscribe in iTunes.

Published May 1, 2017 by .

The post Podcast Sponsorships: Your Opinion appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.