I often produce little mini-series within this podcast. This structured way of writing is how I prefer to work, because it keeps me on track. It's good for my audience too - and I have the data to back that up. So, would this method work for you? Let's take a look.
The post How a Mini-Series Can Help Your Content Strategy appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

A podcast is a series, by its very nature. But I often produce little mini-series within this podcast. It’s the way that I prefer to work. It provides a structured way of thinking, and a structured way of writing. It also keeps me on track, working towards a goal.

But I’ve also noticed, by looking at the data, that these series perform really well. I get more downloads, more social shares, and more comments. So it got me thinking  would this rubric work for you? Can you use a mini-series within your blog or podcast or YouTube channel to better serve your audience?

Content strategy is teaching, and good teaching involves structure and sequence. If you want to educate your customers about your product or service, you have to lay it out for them in a coherent, graduated fashion. Teach them rather than pitch them.

This week’s episode takes a look at this maybe it will get you thinking about producing your own series.

Listen to the episode here or subscribe in iTunes.

Show Notes

In the episode, I referenced a couple recent mini-series in this podcast:

Repurposing Content Series (6-part series) http://bit.ly/reuse-of-content
The Social Media Strategy Series (16-part series) http://bit.ly/social-media-strategy-series

But they don’t have to all be long series! You can produce small, structured pieces that are worthwhile too. Here are a couple that are only 2-3 segments:

Overcoming the Resistance to Social Media http://bit.ly/resistance-to-social-media
Syndicating Content Safely for SEO http://bit.ly/syndicating-content

How do I know about teaching? I teach a graduate course at Emerson College called “Topics in Writing and Publishing: Fundamentals of Content Strategy.” Here’s a little bit more about my experience in the classroom, including my students’ projects.

Lastly, I previewed two new series that I’d like to attack next. I’m writing them now:

SEO for Small Business and why it’s the writing that matters, not the back-end tech.
Running a 21st Century Business and why it doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game.

Subscribe here (and select podcast / every new post) if you’d like to be notified as soon as new episodes are published in these new series!

Published April 24, 2017 by .

The post How a Mini-Series Can Help Your Content Strategy appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.