Full show notes and transcript available at: www.creativeouthouse.com/podcast

Rudy Fernandez:           Hey, this is Rudy Fernandez, and my guest this episode is Michael Halicki, the Executive Director of Park Pride. It's a small nonprofit that's gaining national attention for its outreach efforts. Of course, we've talked about the importance of parks, but we also talked about how marketing professionals are playing a bigger role in nonprofits, not just as communicators, but as leaders and directors. We talked about how to bring diverse groups together for one mission, and what for-profits can learn from nonprofits. Check it out. Welcome to Marketing Upheaval.

Earcon:                         You're listening to Marketing Upheaval, from Creative Outhouse.

Rudy:                           Hey, thanks for listening to Marketing Upheaval. My guest is Michael Halicki, the executive director of Park Pride, a park advocacy nonprofit organization based in Atlanta. It's gaining national attention. Michael's had a long career as a leader in nonprofit organizations. Then we're going to talk about that and Park Pride. Thanks for coming on the podcast.

Michael Halicki:            Glad to be here.

Rudy:                           Michael, I follow you a lot on social media, and you visit a lot of parks and you tell people a lot about parks and I've learned a lot. What can you say about parks, especially local parks that are important, that we don't know?

Michael:                       I think probably the most important thing is that parks are good for you. There's a lot of research that talks about how parks are good for your health. There's a lot of growing body of research that talks about a daily dose of nature and the idea that people need to get out into nature on a regular basis, and that when you don't get that access to nature, it has negative impacts on your physical wellbeing, social wellbeing, and psychological wellbeing. Parks are a place to do that.

Rudy:                           Yeah. Do you advocate for all parks, big parks, local parks?

Michael:                       We do advocate for all parks, but we really think that local parks, where you live, are something that everyone needs. So we keep track of things like the people that, in our service area, live within a 10 minute walk of a park, and we certainly like those signature parks, the destination parks that people will go to. But we think you shouldn't have to get in a car to drive somewhere to go have a great experience in a park.

Read the show notes and full transcript at: https://creativeouthouse.com/2019/09/04/michael-halicki-on-communications-professionals-leading-nonprofits-and-marketing-parks/

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