Hey everyone. This is Rudy Fernandez from Creative Outhouse, and this is a really neat episode with Warren Kurtzman, the president of Coleman insights. And we first learned about Coleman when we were doing some research on media trends. They have lots of terrific research on radio, podcasting, and music on their website. So I wanted to learn more about that. Now, even though Warren and I just met on this call, I can tell you he is a super nice man and a patient one because we had some online technical problems and it took three attempts at this conversation before we ever got one that worked. So he's a prince. Now, the first two minutes of our conversation, the audio isn't great, but after that it's fine. So stick with it because Warren shared a lot of fantastic knowledge about the audio space. Check it out. Welcome to Marketing Upheaval.

My guest is Warren Kurtzman, the president of Coleman insights. Coleman does extensive media research and they are experts particularly in the audio space. So today we're going to talk about radio, which is one of my favorite subjects and podcasting and music testing. Warren, thanks for joining me today.

Warren Kurtzman:        Thanks for having me. It's great to be here.

Rudy:                           So I know Coleman helps radio stations build their brands and, and develop content. How do you help radio stations, especially as rapidly as things are changing? How do you help them develop content and develop their brands?

Warren:                        Well, we do that primarily through market research and I've experience working with audio brands. So we do a lot of consumer research where we find out what consumers like, what they don't like and what they perceive radio stations and other forms of media, including other forms of audio media providing them.

Rudy:                           So radio has been around for a long time, but what are some of the changes you see in this space in the last, let's say five years or so?

Warren:                        Well, that might take up the rest of your podcast. Quite a few changes in the audio landscape. The radio industry has changed dramatically. It used to be a highly fragmented industry and nowadays consolidated with, in most markets, three, four, maybe five operators running most of the radio stations. And the landscape in which a radio stations compete is completely different. Used to be that they had almost a near monopoly on the way people could consume audio, particularly as they were consuming it on the go. And of course today with the rise of streaming, with the rise of podcasting and other ways that people can access audio based entertainment digitally on the environment in which radio competing, nothing like it was just a couple of years ago.

Complete transcript at: https://creativeouthouse.com/2019/09/12/warren-kurtzman-of-coleman-insights-on-radio-podcasting-and-their-audiences/

Learn How to write an effective radio spot at: https://creativeouthouse.com/2020/03/03/how-to-write-a-radio-commercial/

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