Lindsay Cournoyer is the Vice President of Marketing at Axonify, a learning platform built to enhance the skillsets of frontline employees. Lindsay is passionate about creating an open and welcoming work environment. In this episode, she discusses why it’s important to have more women in tech, . shares her thoughts on JOMO (Joy of Missing Out), and opens up about the winding road that led her to where she is today.


Key Takeaways:

[2:25] Lindsay started her working career in PR and shares her journey from then to today.

[7:00] Axonify has seen a lot of growth within the last five years. Lindsay believes it’s due to great leadership from the CEO, Carol Leaman, who empowers her employees and puts a lot of trust in them.

[8:25] Lindsay feels energized when working at smaller organizations because you can see the direct impact your work has on the business.

[12:30] The golf course is the best place to get to know someone, but it can intimidate a lot of women who don’t know how to play.

[14:25] What kind of leader does Lindsay see herself as?

[17:20] It can be very hard for women to leave their careers temporarily to go have a baby. Lindsay is grateful that her boss could understand the struggle of keeping the best of both worlds together.

[18:00] Where does Lindsay focus most of her time at Axonify?

[21:35] Lindsay loves fostering a collaborative and progressive environment for her team and working on long-term strategy.

[23:35] What does Lindsay's ideal lazy day look like?

[25:35] How do you know if a tech company is women-friendly?

[32:05] Lindsay has been passed over for promotion on the grounds that she was pregnant.

[33:15] One of Lindsay’s biggest female role models is her mom.

[35:50] What does Axonify do and how does it help marketers?

[41:05] Millennials aren’t the only ones with short attention spans.

[41:55] Lindsay explains the difference between FOMO and JOMO.

[46:35] How will marketing change over the next five years?

[48:20] Marketing is about creating an emotional connection with an individual.

[50:45] What kind of legacy would Lindsay like to leave behind?


Mentioned in This Episode:

Lindsay on LinkedIn

Lindsays article on Medium