Today we have three Demand Spring employees: Julie Zadow is the Senior Vice President and CMO in Residence, Bill Anderson is the Senior Marketing Technology Consultant, and Maddy Pigott is the Marketing Specialist and runs the marketing efforts at Demand Spring. Each guest brings unique perspectives on how they’re managing work and life as they practice social distancing. They also share how they’ve been working with their Demand Spring clients to develop timely content that is both sensitive to the situation we’re in right now while still being impactful.


Key Takeaways:

[2:50] Julie shares a bit of her expertise and background.

[4:15] Bill introduces himself and shares his responsibilities at Demand Spring.

[5:05] Next is Maddy and she shares her role at Demand Spring.

[6:35] How are Julie and Bill dealing with having their whole family under the same roof right now?

[11:25] How has COVID-19 affected Maddy’s area in Toronto and what’s life like for her right now?

[13:25] The dogs are winning in all of this right now as more pet owners are at home.

[14:05] How has Bill been able to adjust his work-day routine now that he is practicing social distancing?

[15:15] How has Julie been adapting?

[18:00] What adjustments has Maddy had to make in her life currently?

[18:35] What random acts of kindness have been happening in the local area?

[22:50] As Julie works with a lot of CMOs, what is she seeing right now with her clients and customers?

[27:30] Not every business can be top-of-mind in the middle of a pandemic.

[28:25] Bill works with a lot of technology and financial clients; how are they handling what is going on right now?

[32:25] Julie offers advice on how marketers can shift form event-based marketing to digital events and webinars.

[35:45] How should marketers adapt their message to what’s happening right now? Maddy weighs in.

[39:00] Now is the time to send a deeply personalized email.

[40:00] What is the secret to marketing during a dramatic economic shift?

[45:35] Maddy’s generation is scared about their job security.

[48:35] How has your host, Mark, been responding to the pandemic as the President of the organization?

[50:20] What do our guests today miss the most right now, what are they the most grateful for, and what advice can they give today’s listeners?


Mentioned in This Episode:

Julie on LinkedIn

Bill on LinkedIn

Maddy on Demand Spring