Guest and Episode LinksDr Geraint Evans http://www.drgoevans.com

Books:The Excellence Dividend – Tom Peters:

Enjoy the Episode - Happy Marketing! 

Intro We’re continuing to look through the Marketing Mix, or 7P’s as they are more fondly know with a look at Place this week. 

But first, let’s meet Dr Geraint Evans or G for short. G is an award-winning Interim Chief Marketing Officer, with a track record for delivering world-class commercial strategies, leveraging the full marketing mix, products, platforms and channels and has worked for the likes of Virgin Media and Odeon.

G holds a PhD in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, a Masters in Marketing, and is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing so what I wanted to ask is, G, give us your best doctor joke!



- The future is now! The future is happening now and those that cannot see this may be in big trouble later on. The technology that we may be talking about now as if it is ‘futuristic’ is already being used. Machine learning, AI, block chain and 5G to name a few are out there. And we should know about them, understand their capabilities and start to see if they are applicable to our current working environment.

- When considering your profession, regardless of how niche it may be, it is important to make sure you have a well rounded view of Marketing. It is definitely OK to niche down, but you will inevitably need to understand the bigger picture – your customer and their journey as well as what is driving a company from a financial perspective and other none direct marketing related elements.

- Understanding the science behind marketing is important as even the simple models we use can be complex to implement. Marketing Qualifications can help build these foundations and alongside experience and practical applications it can become a very powerful asset.


Top Tip – 7 P’s – Promotion

Probably the most utilised of the 7 P’s in any extended marketing mix (for a marketer) is Promotion.

Why you ask?

Because this is the part that everyone sees, the top of the Marketing Mix iceberg that is there to highlight to consumers that you have the best solutions to their problems….. this bit that everyone has an opinion about. 

Promotion is exactly what it says it is. The promotional elements, which include:

- Communication Channels – websites, social, print and radio for example - Content. Be it audio, visual or copy - Logos and colour used to distinguish us from the rest of the pack - The generation of interest and the tactics we will use to gain interest

But before we even get to that we need to make sure we are building on the solid foundations of research, analysis and being complimentary to the other P’s within the Marketing Mix.


Music Featured on this Podcast: Sleepy in the Garden Lobo Loco Creative Commons License

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