LinksLucille Ossai’s[email protected]

Business Communications Blog: YouTube: LinkedIn: Twitter: Pinterest:

Books:Talk Like TED – Carmine Gallo:

Extras:For extra help with editing and proofreading: https://www.Grammarly.comGrammar page of the University of Bristol:

(Lucille’s pro tip for using this resource: I always advise students to begin with the section on 'punctuation marks', then the 'common confusions' section, then 'other pitfalls and problems', etc. They could read the information and do the grammar exercises to test their understanding. They should refer to this resource regularly). 

Enjoy the episode - Happy Marketing!


Lucille Ossai is a strong advocate for effective communication skills. She is passionate about helping professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders hone their communication skills so that they excel in careers and boost business results. As the founder and editor of the award-winning Rethinking Business Communications Blog, her blog is ranked among the top 30 communications blogs on the web by Feedspot. It has also been named a top business communication blog by Business First Impressions. 

Lucille is the communication coach at the globally ranked Lagos Business School in Nigeria, where she facilitates sessions on communication in open seminars, as well as provides communications support for full-time MBA students and executive MBA participants. In her private ventures, she is a communications trainer who brings her wealth of experience in blogging, lecturing and coaching to deliver communication services for individual and corporate clients.

Her motto: Take action today to improve your skills because you cannot wish your communication problems away. 



- Communication skills give you the opportunity to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. If you are communicating better than others it means you are better understood, provide a clearer explanation and make it easy to follow your thought process. And this is the same for your Marketing Assignments, where a structured and coherent approach can pay dividends.

- Lucille highlighted her three rules for effective communication which we can all learn from to become better communicators in anything we do. These are:

- Consider your audience - Use simplicity, brevity and clarity (what Lucille calls the three beacons) - Timely and factual feedback

- When communicating through writing always make sure you know and understand who your audience is and write accordingly. Again, this is the same with your Marketing Assignments. Make it easy to follow, edit and proof read while also not taking any chances with incoherent language and cryptic sentences, which brings us...

LinksLucille Ossai’s[email protected]

Business Communications Blog: YouTube: LinkedIn: Twitter: Pinterest:

Books:Talk Like TED – Carmine Gallo:

Extras:For extra help with editing and proofreading: https://www.Grammarly.comGrammar page of the University of Bristol:

(Lucille’s pro tip for using this resource: I always advise students to begin with the section on 'punctuation marks', then the 'common confusions' section, then 'other pitfalls and problems', etc. They could read the information and do the grammar exercises to test their understanding. They should refer to this resource regularly). 

Enjoy the episode - Happy Marketing!


Lucille Ossai is a strong advocate for effective communication skills. She is passionate about helping professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders hone their communication skills so that they excel in careers and boost business results. As the founder and editor of the award-winning Rethinking Business Communications Blog, her blog is ranked among the top 30 communications blogs on the web by Feedspot. It has also been named a top business communication blog by Business First Impressions. 

Lucille is the communication coach at the globally ranked Lagos Business School in Nigeria, where she facilitates sessions on communication in open seminars, as well as provides communications support for full-time MBA students and executive MBA participants. In her private ventures, she is a communications trainer who brings her wealth of experience in blogging, lecturing and coaching to deliver communication services for individual and corporate clients.

Her motto: Take action today to improve your skills because you cannot wish your communication problems away. 



- Communication skills give you the opportunity to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. If you are communicating better than others it means you are better understood, provide a clearer explanation and make it easy to follow your thought process. And this is the same for your Marketing Assignments, where a structured and coherent approach can pay dividends.

- Lucille highlighted her three rules for effective communication which we can all learn from to become better communicators in anything we do. These are:

- Consider your audience - Use simplicity, brevity and clarity (what Lucille calls the three beacons) - Timely and factual feedback

- When communicating through writing always make sure you know and understand who your audience is and write accordingly. Again, this is the same with your Marketing Assignments. Make it easy to follow, edit and proof read while also not taking any chances with incoherent language and cryptic sentences, which brings us full circle and back to the three beacons of communication: Simplicity, Brevity and Clarity.


Top Tip – 7 P’s - Process

Efficiency, Structure, Usability, are just three of the words that spring to mind when you think about a process. And this is just the same within the extended Marketing Mix.

The requirement of a process within this mix is vital for a number of reasons, not just the three key words we’ve just highlighted.

Firstly, every process will have an impact on a customer, either directly or indirectly. A good tip here is to reverse engineer the process. Look at it from the customers perspective and work out what could be improved.

Although these processes and systems need to be robust and effective, they still need a level of flexibility to deal with changes within a marketplace, supply chain or indeed cultural shift.

And finally, involve others in creating and designing of any type of Marketing process as this improves communication internally, generates buy-in to any changes and helps to view the whole functionality from different perspectives so it work as well internally as well as it does externally.



Music Featured on this Podcast: Sleepy in the Garden Lobo Loco Creative Commons License

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