Dallin Cottle1. I’ve always had coaches and mentors every step of the way. Pay for it helps!2. Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs who have ups and downs because we are all the same, we all experience it, just helps to kinda laugh and cry with people who understand ha.3.non-negotiable Create habits that make it less likely to have those hard times (workout, meditate, listen to podcasts, spend time with family, pray, etc).Mckell Davis1. Be passionate about their business2. See the bigger picture!Braden Tobler1. Exercise. Escape on the weekends2. Lose service after hours3. Routine5. Meditate6. Read7. Listen to podcasts and YouTube that is motivating8. Go to events and network9. Review goals10. Chase new clients for a change of paceNicole Weisbrich1. Go to conferences2. Educate3. Network4. Learn what other people are doing