Google Paid Ads (Search)Pros1. Target search terms2. You aren't interrupting people they are actually searching for your product or service3. They workCons1. Cost per click can be expensive- adword planner2. Cost per conversion is higher3. Limited search for your keywords4. Limited PlacementsYouTubePros1. Cost per view is cheap2. Target search terms3. TopicsCons1. Interrupting peoples video2. Cost per conversion is higher/ Conversion rate is higher3. Limited placements- Instream- Search Results- Top Right while a video is playingFacebook-Pros1. Cheaper leads2. High conversion rateCons1. Leads might no be as qualifiedInstagramPros1. Cheaper leads2. High conversion rateCons1. Leads might no be as qualified2. placementThe difference between Facebook and Instagram1. Advertising placements- Different ad types2. Video durations on your adsPaid Advertising as a wholePros1. The data does the speaking2. It can scale your business3. It lets you know what your audience wantsCons1. Cost money2. It takes time