Are you getting what you want out of your Facebook Ads? If you are running Facebook ads, you know it can get complicated. Facebook changes things every week; techniques and strategies are being updated all the time. Hernan has condensed several years of experience and millions of dollars in advertising in a straightforward guidebook. Use this guide whenever you are running Facebook ads, so you have a template to use. Go to Facebook Ads Guide 2020 to download your copy.


Where do you test a new offer? Listen, as Hernan talks about why you don’t want to test in your funnel, it’s better to test with your advertising. Hernan speaks about the three key things that make up his rapid testing framework for starting campaigns. Dynamic ads or dynamic creatives, ad set level budgets, and automatic payments make up the framework. Hernan describes how each of these processes and how they work in his framework if you are ready to test an offer, you need to listen to this episode.


Do you have digital marketing questions? Every Wednesday at 2:00 pm EST, Hernan goes live answering all of your digital marketing questions on The Marketing Atlas Show. Drop your questions for this coming Wednesday, and we will answer as many as we can live.


If you want to increase the number of customers you have, increase the number of transactions, meaning the value of those customers with your company, or increase the frequency of purchases from customers, download a copy of my brand new book PERPETUAL Profits


If you would like a free copy of Advertising 2020, a class that will show you how to make Facebook ads work better, leave your name and address in the comments, and Hernan will make sure you get a copy. 


In This Episode:

[00:37] Welcome to the show!

[00:49] Are you testing Facebook ads in your funnel?

[01:41] Hernan shares his framework when starting a campaign.

[01:57] Have you been using dynamic ads?

[02:17] Hernan speaks about using an ad set level budget.

[02:45] He has ten different ad sets, and he tests one interest per ad set.

[04:20] Hernan says that after the testing period, you will find out which works the best.

[05:06] With this framework, Hernan says he can test anything.

[06:08] Dynamic ad sets or creatives, ad set level budget, and automatic placements are the keys for Hernan’s framework for testing.

[06:42] Thank you for hanging out and listening to the show!


Find Hernan:

Hernan Vazquez










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