Key Takeaways:

To any marketer still feeling skeptical about AI: as Maria says, “demystify it!” AI isn’t like Terminator portrays it, nor will some robot come take your job. Educate yourself and learn all you can. Then, find a specific use case based on one aspect of your marketing process you want to resolve, optimize, automate, or improve. Using AI is a choice. Instead of spending ridiculous amounts of time sorting through spreadsheets, choose more time for strategy. Where you once manually created marketing messages for each customer, choose machine learning. In lieu of repetitive tasks that ring you dry by day’s end, choose automation. These are all byproducts of using AI. Third, as Maria alludes to, AI is a double-edged sword. It can help detach us from our very human laziness and biases… butttt we also have to be careful, collectively, to make sure our algorithms are processing all of this data in an unbiased way. We have to collect, manage, and store data – and write and program our machines – so that they avoid bias in any way, but still achieve what we need.

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