The aquaculture industry has evolved tremendously over the last 40 years. Today, Aquaculture is supplying over 50 % of the world demand for seafood. That’s up from less than 5 % 30 just years ago. Interview with University of Guelph Professor Rich Moccia to discover the innovations taking place in this burgeoning industry, as well as an introduction to the world’s first genetically modified protein approved for human consumption.

Check out the Ie-Knowledge Hub Video Case Studies on the International Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub.

Questions or feedback on our episode? Get in touch with show host Thierry Harris: [email protected] 

Episode Research Questions:

What are Food economics and how do they impact the commercialization of Aquaculture companies?

How does labeling of new products impact Aquaculture companies?

What supply chain management issues could impact the Aquaculture ecosystem? 

Describe the regulatory impact on Aquaculture companies?

Write to us at [email protected] and we'll post some of your answers on our website page.

Guest bio:  Rich Moccia

Fascinated by the aquatic environment since before his birth, Professor Moccia's career path has always involved ‘water’ in some way. Although Rich has focused much of his research and teaching activities in disciplines relevant to the science and practice of aquatic food production, his research also spans studies related to ecosystem impacts and animal welfare. Professor Moccia has held both faculty and senior executive cross-appointments at the University of Guelph, where he has been employed since 1987. Recently completing his term as the Associate Vice-President, Research for the Strategic Partnerships portfolio, he oversaw a number of partnership files, including the OMAFRA-UG Agreement. Professor Moccia's responsibilities to the provincial agrifood partnership included managing research programming, contract administration and infrastructure of 14 provincial research facilities and one regional campuses, as well as oversight of the Laboratory Services Division, encompassing both the Agriculture and Food Lab and the Provincial Animal Health Laboratory. He was also responsible for the Catalyst Centre (ie. research business development office) and the Central Animal Facility.

As a professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences, Rich engages in teaching, research and graduate training, and has always had a strong commitment to industry-relevant research, education and extension service.  Rich enjoys exploring the interconnectivity of many varied disciplines in the search for solutions to relevant issues affecting our world.

Prior to joining the university, Professor Moccia was self-employed in the private sector, having established 2 SME start-ups specializing in ag-based technologies in the aquatic food production industry.  Rich has been a founding member of several provincial and federal industry associations and advocacy groups, has sat on the Boards of Directors of several agri-based private companies, and has been an invited participant in numerous policy and regulatory reform committees helping to guide smart legislation for Canada.

Career Snapshot

2007-2016.  Associate Vice-President, Research (Strategic Partnerships), University of Guelph

1990-present  Director, Aquaculture Centre, Department of Animal Biosciences

1987-present.  Professor, Aquatic and fisheries science, University of Guelph

1981-1990.  President and self-employed in 2 small, start-up companies.

1978-1981.  Professional Associate, Department of Pathology, Ontario Veterinary College, UG

Aquaculture Centre

Professor Moccia established the Aquaculture Centre in 1988 and has been its Director ever since.  The Aquaculture Centre has been dedicated to integrating research and extension programs to contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of the aquaculture sector.  

Awards and Honours

Lifetime Achievement Award, Aquaculture Association of Canada (2018)

National Research Award of Excellence, Aquaculture Association of Canada. (2007)

Distinguished Professorial Teaching Award, University of Guelph Faculty Association. (2002)

Distinguished Extension Service Award, University of Guelph, OAC Alumni Association. (2004)

Dr. Bill Winegard Community Volunteer Award, Volunteer Centre of Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin (2015)

Gabrielle Hubert Volunteer Award, UG United Way Campaign (2019)

‘Employees Making a Difference’ Award for UG – United Way (2015)

John Appleton Volunteer Award-Peninsula Bruce Trail Club

Inductee. Guelph Sports Hall of Fame-Baseball (2018)

Industry Boards and Community Associations (Current only)

Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA)-Executive member

Canadian Association of Underwater Science (CAUS)-Executive member

National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC)-Board of Directors

Oilseed Innovation Partners (Formerly Soy 20/20)

United Way Leadership Committee of Guelph-Wellington

Big Brothers, Big Sisters Guelph-Wellington (Vice President)

Ontario Marine Heritage Committee

Peninsula Bruce Trail Club


Canadian Aquaculture industry overview (source: IMPACT

The sector generates:

$5.4 Billion in economic activity in Canada

$2.2 Billion in GDP


Aquaculture Production Volume: 191,416 tonnes

Aquaculture Production Value: $1.39 billion

Aquaculture accounts for 16% of Canada’s total seafood production

Aquaculture accounts for over 33% of Canada’s total seafood value


Aquaculture employs 26,000 full time workers

Aquaculture generates $1.2 billion in labour income


Aquaculture Export Volume: >103,000 tonnes

Aquaculture Export Value: $897 million

Primary Export Destination: United States (94% of total exports)

Other Export Destinations: Japan, China,  Taiwan, Israel, Hong Kong


Rich Moccia website

History of aquaculture

Memorial University

Sylvia Wulf


AquAdvantage Salmon fish

University of Guelph

Cook Aquaculture

MOWI International

Dr. Garth Fletcher

Dr. Choy Hew

Ocean Pout

Elliot Entis

Canadian Parliamentary review meeting discussing GMOs in Aquaculture

FDA Review on AquAdvantage Salmon


Aquaculture Innovations & Research

NOAA research links

Feed and nutrition innovations

Genetic selection and engineering technologies

Animal health and disease management

Disease processes in Aquatic organisms

The Future of therapeutic agents

Vaccine development

Water quality management #1

Water quality management #2

Marketplace innovations in Aquaculture

Innovative products

Life support systems

AI in Aquaculture

Data insights in fish monitoring

Recirculating aquaculture systems


Aquaculture industry ecosystem

Aquaculture association of Canada, HQ in Torbay NL

Canadian Aquaculture alliance

Ontario Agi-Food Innovation Alliance

Ontario Ministry of Rural and Agricultural Affairs

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)



IE-Knowledge Hub

Business Video Case studies

Market Hunt Podcasts


Ie-Knowledge Hub Sponsor Case

Magex Video Case Study

Catherine Lamontagne

Thierry Harris

Show Credits:

Market Hunt is produced by Cartouche Media in collaboration with Seratone Studios in Montreal and Popup Podcasting in Ottawa. 

Market Hunt is part of the International Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub network.  Funding for this program comes from the Social Sciences and Humanities Resource Council of Canada.

Executive Producers: Hamid Etemad, McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management and Hamed Motaghi, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Associate Producer, Jose Orlando Montes, Université du Québec à Montréal.

Technical Producers Simon Petraki, Seratone Studio and Lisa Querido, Pop up Podcasting

Show consultant, JP Davidson. Artwork by Melissa Gendron. Voiceover: Katie Harrington.

You can check out the ie-Knowledge Hub Case studies  at