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Quantum computing has been hailed as the next revolution in computer science. What are some market applications and how is quantum tech evolving on the hardware and software side? Learn more in this episode featuring 1Qbit's co-founder and CEO Andrew Fursman.

Episode Guest: Andrew Fursman, Co-Founder and CEO, 1Qbit.

Check out Ie-Knowledge Hub Video Case Studies on the International Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub.

Questions or feedback on our episode? Get in touch with show host Thierry Harris: [email protected] 

Episode Research Question:

What steps can 1Qbit take to find what industry problems can be solved using quantum computing technology?

Write to us at [email protected] and we'll post some of your answers on our website page.

Guest bio:  Andrew Fursman

Andrew Fursman is a Co-Founder of 1QBit and serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Andrew was a Founding Partner of Vancouver-based VCC firm Minor Capital, Co-Founder of Satellogic Nano-Satellites, and Co-Founder of Cloudtel Communications.

Andrew studied Economics at the University of Waterloo and Philosophy and Political Science at the University of British Columbia prior to post-graduate programs in Technology Studies at Singularity University and Financial Engineering at Stanford University.

On those rare occasions when he is not busy with his 1QBit duties, he indulges his passions for kayaking in the gulf islands and explores practical applications of microbiology at a small home laboratory on Vancouver Island dedicated to experiments with Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Episode Links:

Andrew Fursman

More Andrew Fursman media interviews

Biogen, Accenture, 1Qbit collaboration

Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment

World economic forum introduction

Wired for Wonder interview


Digital Supercluster

1Qbit Digital Supercluster COVID-19 funding

Eric Nadeau

Prevtec Microbia (Acquired by Elanco in 2019)

University of Montreal - Faculty of Veterinary medicine

Quantum Supremacy

IE-Knowledge Hub

Business Video Case studies

Market Hunt Podcasts

Prevtec Microbia Video Case Study

General definition on quantum computing

Dr. Shohini Ghose

Wilfrid Laurier University Physics Department

Dr. Ghose - Quantum Revolution Public Lecture

Quantum for Drug Discovery

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum computing relating to materials sciences

Quantum computing relating to Financial modelling

Investments in Quantum computing

Quantum technology ecosystems

Quantum patents - Global overview

Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics

Richard Feynman paper on Simulating Physics with computers 

Jim Baggot on the real meaning of quantum mechanics

Investment in Quantum Computing

Patents in Quantum technologies


Quantum computers explained (CNBC)

Quantum computers explained (

Quantum computing in a nutshell #2

Dow corporation

Wright brothers plane design

Vacuum Tubes

Integrated Circuits



Quantum Algorithms - from Qiskit

Optical Quantum Systems


Market information on optical quantum systems


Ion Quantum Systems


Market information on ion quantum systems

Turning semiconductor computers into superconductors - Microsoft

IBM semiconductor technologies using nanotech

Google Quantum semiconductor

Programmable Superconductors for Quantum computing

Quantum Algorithms Library


Quantum annealer

Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization

Shor’s Algorithm

Schor’s algorithm from Peter Shor

Fujitsu application-specific integrated circuit

NTT quantum computing in financial services

Minimum viable product approach

Waterfall approach


Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Quantum Key distribution explained

Quantum information theory explained - Mark Wilde, McGill fellow, Part 1

Quantum information theory explained - Mark Wilde, Part 2

Quantum Entanglement explained

China’s quantum satellite

David Deutsch The father of Quantum

Quantum Communication

Quantum communication from Technology Review

Quantum Sensing

Quantum Design by Gehard Zauner

Quantum Science - Quantum Physics - things you should know

Ontic vs Epistemic

The Age of Design

Declaration of Invention, University of Montreal

John Fairbrother

Michel Fortin

Ie-Knowledge Hub Sponsor Case

Prevtec Microbia Case Study

Thierry Harris

Market Hunt is produced by Cartouche Media in collaboration with Seratone Studios in Montreal and Popup Podcasting in Ottawa. 

Market Hunt is part of the International Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub network.  Funding for this program comes from the Social Sciences and Humanities Resource Council of Canada.

Executive Producers: Hamid Etemad, McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management and Hamed Motaghi, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Associate Producer, Jose Orlando Montes, Université du Québec à Montréal.

Technical Producers Simon Petraki, Seratone Studio and Lisa Querido, Pop up Podcasting

Show consultant, JP Davidson. Artwork by Melissa Gendron. Voiceover: Katie Harrington.

You can check out the ie-Knowledge Hub Case studies  at