Manifesting-Are You a Good Receiver? Here's How to Tell: Ep 122


You have a right to abundance! You have an ancestral duty to be the highest and the best version of yourself! And in this podcast, Michelle J. Lamont helps you dial into that frequency, so you can turn up your abundance, move out of poverty into prosperity, and understand your traumas and how to heal them. But in order to be a manifesting manifestor, we must first be a good receiver and recognize when abundance and prosperity are around us. 


While so many want to experience and accept manifestations, they are terrible at receiving them and don't know how! When we make it hard for the universe to deliver the goods, it is hard for us to open our hearts and be a receiver. And when we don't know how to receive it, it can't come to us. So in today’s episode, Michelle helps you ignite and flip that switch.


Tune in as she guides you to replace the vibration of pushing away with a vibration of clarity, love, and receiving. From small actionable practices like receiving a compliment without offering one back to creating a habit of non-resistant thoughts to understanding that you are worthy of allowing things into your life, listen in as Michelle provides the steps for you to become a better receiver. 


Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams and level up in ALL areas of your reality? Book a FREE 15-minute call with Michelle today! 

Reach out to Michelle via any of the following to start manifesting the deepest of your desires!

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- Why learning to be a good receiver is essential to a manifesting manifestor 

- We are the blocks! How can we remove them?

- When you understand you are worthy, you become a better receiver 

- Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want - like attracts like

- What happens when you become a good receiver?



“So many of us are really good at giving. We're good at offering advice. We're good at picking up a tab. We're good at helping others, and yet we're terrible when it comes to receiving.”

“What happens when you become a better receiver? It raises our vibration and allows us to receive, and the giving and the receiving become symbiotic.”



Learn to create your own reality through clarity calls or one-on-one coaching with Michelle J. Lamont at michellejlamont.