Manifestation-Are You Really Ready to Create?: EP 123


It is time for you to align with your guides, angels, and divine energy to become the creator and manifester of your reality. We are here on Earth to tap into our divine light and fulfill our purpose. But we cannot understand how powerful we truly are until we learn how to create things into our reality. And as Lao Tzu says, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. So listen in as Michelle J. Lamont guides you to become a powerful creator. Are you ready?


Tune in as Michelle shares one of the hardest and most important things that began her manifestation growth: practicing the word yes. In order to move forward as a creator, you have to agree that you're worthy. You have to agree to say yes and align yourself with that vibration. When you say yes to life, you're saying yes to your reality. You're saying yes to being a creator and manifester. You must learn the freedom and power of the word yes!


So stop living in fear of making the wrong choices. Get out of the practice of looking at your history to decide your future. Release the past and move forward in the truth of your worthiness and the energy of yes. It takes courage and strength, but Michelle is proud of you and here to guide you every step of the way so that you can start co-creating a reality in which everything is possible, today!


Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams and level up in ALL areas of your reality? Book a FREE 15-minute call with Michelle today! 

Reach out to Michelle via any of the following to start manifesting the deepest of your desires!

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Email | [email protected] 



- No longer be intimidated by your own power!

- Allow yourself to align with the highest and best version of you

-  Why pain often means you are in a state of growth 

- The power of the word yes and how to tap into its energy

- Understanding that you are worthy! 

- Agree to move forward and release the past



“Yes, you are a creator. Yes, you are a manifesting manifester. Yes, you are known. Yes, you are protected. Is it scary? Yes. Will it be worth it? F*ck yes!” 



Learn to create your own reality through clarity calls or one-on-one coaching with Michelle J. Lamont at