Manifesting with the Moon 101: EP 124


The moon is a powerful energy. Every civilization has created its calendar based on the moon cycle. A cycle that runs for 28 days, the same as a female cycle. The moon controls the tides and all the water on Earth. So why would you think that the moon doesn’t impact how you manifest or how you feel? 


In this episode, Michelle J. Lamont dives into the moon’s energy, demystifying a few practices to help you create something powerful in your life and align with the highest and the best version of yourself. From scribing to moon baths, listen in as your manifestation queen shares what some of her rituals look like in the hope to inspire you to let your divine light pierce through! 


And as always, Michelle reminds you that you are protected, guided, and loved. So while you are on this teaching planet called Earth, you might as well manifest things into your reality that make life beautiful, abundant and give you freedom, clarity, and joy. Request assistance with the new moon, from your divine angels, and listen to your heart. The guidance will come. 


Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams and level up in ALL areas of your reality? Book a FREE 15-minute call with Michelle today! 

Reach out to Michelle via any of the following to start manifesting the deepest of your desires!

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- Tap into the moon’s energy and create something powerful

- Understanding the difference between the moons

- How to cleanse and create a ritual space for manifestation 

- What is a moon bath?

- Why you need to write down your intentions and create a story around it 



“The moon orbits around us. It controls the tides and all the oceans all over this planet. And all of that water is controlled by the Earth's moon. And you don't think that the moon has an impact on how you manifest? It doesn't have an impact on how you feel? Of course it does!” 



Learn to create your own reality through clarity calls or one-on-one coaching with Michelle J. Lamont at 

Follow Michelle on Instagram @michellejlamont -

Visit her website at