Manifest Your Fu%k YESSS-Life-NOW!: EP115


Do you feel out of sorts? Or unable to manifest and too far from your divine path? Well, in this episode, Michelle J. Lamont wants you to stop playing small and start turning up the abundance of your life! Who told you that you are not worthy, perfect, or don't have potential? Release those people and the limiting beliefs and listen in as Michelle reminds you just how protected and loved you are! You are the creator of your reality! You decide when it starts! So say fu%k yes to your life today!


Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams and level up in ALL areas of your reality? Book a FREE 15-minute call with Michelle today! 

Reach out to Michelle via any of the following to start manifesting the deepest of your desires!

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Email | [email protected] 



- When we are apart from our divine path, we feel it

- Say fu%k yes to your life!

- Release the people, past, and future that dim your light

- Why you must change the way you’re communicating with yourself

- You have a divine right to happiness and abundance!

- The importance of meditation to manifestation 



“That's how you manifest your fuck yes life. You have to be your best friend and isolate yourself and remove yourself from everybody who is not on your path.”

“It's not the things that I own that make this life beautiful. It's the energy, the frequency, and the vibration that we align with, that we feel free from all the limiting energies that are surrounding us here on this planet called Earth.”



Learn to create your own reality through clarity calls or one-on-one coaching with Michelle J. Lamont at 

Follow Michelle on Instagram @michellejlamont -

Visit her website at

Any questions? Reach out to Michelle at [email protected]