Manifest - How Do I Know If I am on My Divine Path: EP 114


How do you know if you are on your divine path? How do you know if this is the path you are truly here to manifest? Is this the reality in which you waited? 


Tune in as Michelle J. Lamont reveals why simply asking the question means you are not quite aligned with your path yet. But don’t fret! This is not a bad thing manifesting manifestors! This awareness allows you to be open enough to examine it, and once you start understanding the principles of Earth, the teaching planet, you can maneuver in it more easily. So listen in and find your protected path and purpose today! 


Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams and level up in ALL areas of your reality? Book a FREE 15-minute call with Michelle today! 

Reach out to Michelle via any of the following to start manifesting the deepest of your desires!

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- We all came to this Earth by choice

- Why your experiences are determined solely by you 

- Can you miss your divine path?

- When you are in alignment, you will be met by an army of doubt

- There are no coincidences!

-  The path will be hard, but take the chance!



“We are creating the reality in which we are living in. We chose this family for lessons, for benefits, for negatives. However you want to perceive it, you chose this life. But you also chose to come here for a specific path and a specific purpose.”



Learn to create your own reality through clarity calls or one-on-one coaching with Michelle J. Lamont at 

Follow Michelle on Instagram @michellejlamont -

Visit her website at

Any questions? Reach out to Michelle at [email protected]