Join my guest Dr. Carla M. DiGirolamo.

She is a Women’s Health Specialist, NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach, and an Athlete.

My career as a fitness professional began 10 years ago when I was 30 pounds heavier and six months away from my 40th birthday. I had just completed Fellowship training and was, with my amazing and supportive husband, raising a 4-year-old son.

In my teens and twenties, I was an athlete and avid fitness enthusiast, and with “40” on my heels I wondered “where did it all go?”. I needed to do something. So I joined a gym and took my first Les Mills BodyCombat class. I was hooked! I was so inspired, that soon after, I signed up for BodyCombat Instructor Training and my career as a fitness professional was born!

As a double Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Reproductive Endocrinologist, I have experience with the unique physical and mental challenges that women face throughout every stage of life’s journey. During our teens and young adulthood, we are at the peak of our athletic potential, building bone density and muscle mass and laying the foundation for our future health.

During our reproductive years, we focus on conception, pregnancy, and after pregnancy where we want to train safely and incorporate sound nutritional practices so that we give our baby and ourselves the best chance for good health and success – all while juggling our busy lives!

Finally, we find ourselves into the menopausal years where our physiology changes necessitating more attention to maintaining bone density, muscle mass, recovery, and nutrition so that we can retain and improve our mobility, prevent injury, and do all the things that we love to do well into those Golden Years.

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