Scripture: 2 Timothy
Scripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 3.1-9; Psalm 15

But know this: Hard days will come….  - 2 Timothy 3.1      In these hard days, every one of us needs a Paul!

1- Who is one of your ‘heroes’? Talk about what makes this person a ‘hero’?  Why are ‘heroes’ important?  If it’s true that everyone needs a Paul (and it is true), how would you describe a spiritual hero.. one who shows you the way of Christ?   

2- Paul tells us that we can anticipate hard times in these last days. He, then, describes a sea of sin in which those who are supposed to be heroes are swimming. How does the moral failure described in 2 Timothy 3.1-5 do harm to Jesus’ church?  When have you been hurt by the church?  When have you left a wound because of your sin?  Did you experience or provide restoration?  Are there steps of restoration that you need to take?

3- Paul tells us to ‘avoid those swimming in this sea of sin’. Perhaps, Paul was suggesting that they are not to be the anchors for our soul; that their influence is not what we allow to prevail. Instead, we anchor in the gospel of God’s grace and mercy?  If we realize that ‘hard times are upon us’ and that we will have those who are a part of our faith who are struggling in sin, how could responding with the gospel of grace, mercy and repentance be the answer? Have you experienced the gospel’s healing power in the midst of abounding sin?  What did this journey look like? 

4- Tell about a time when a spiritual hero in your eyes lived it out in real time… when you saw Jesus clearly through their lives?  What did that mean to you?  What did it mean for your soul? (Do you know that you are a potential ‘hero’ to those who are watching your life and practice?

5- Spend some time in Psalm 15.. Based on this passage, what describes a person who is steeped in truth (rather than swimming in sin)?  What steps do you need to take to learn more fully in the truth of His Word and the life given by intimacy with Christ?  In pursuing Jesus, you will not be shaken. Psalm 15 says that a life steeped in truth will NEVER be shaken.  Will your teaching explain your life and your life explain your teaching?

The one who does these things will never be shaken. - Psalm 15.5