Last Words
2 Timothy 3:10-17

1- There is a transformative power found in the truths of God’s Word. Our hope is to practice in ‘spiritual reading’ that truth may grow us into the image of Christ. You have read 2 Timothy. You have opened a journal and given thought. This week, we will pray  the words of 2 Timothy. Talk with God about what you are learning, thanking Him for the truth of this letter, asking Him questions, inviting Him transform your life in Truth, engaging in repentance…. Praying Scripture allows for God to begin the conversation and to shape its direction. Read 1 chapter a day and Pray these truths into your soul.  Read.Think.Pray.Live. 

2- Do you have an example of a time when studying scripture a verse that you were familiar with popped out in a fresh new way? When this happens how does this strengthen your view/understanding of scripture? 

3-  “Direction not intention determines your destination” What direction are you going in regards to discipleship? Who are you discipling? Who is discipling you? Or is this just intention? What needs to change today? 

4- Name some people who have been a Paul to you. Name some people who have been a Timothy to you. Why have these people been significant. Take a moment to thank God for them! And ask God who is currently your Paul and Timothy.

5- In what ways have you seen believers face opposition in our world today? Why is it important to walk in the community and grounded in truth in a world that opposing the things of Christ? 

6- Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17. Scripture leads us to the wisdom for salvation and gives us clarity of purpose here on earth. In what ways are scripture giving us wisdom for salvation and clarity in purpose?