1) Read and Think… Read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day. Open a journal and Think… Ponder… Meditate. Turn the words over in your heart and mind. Consider the abundance of truth in each chapter. Write insights, truth about God, truth about yourself, needed change, and hopes as you allow the Scripture to form Christ within.

2) When you read 2 Timothy 2:14-26, what are some hard truths you hear? What grabs your attention from the text?

3) Paul challenges Timothy to stay focused on the truth of scripture. Why is hyper focus on the truth of scripture important in our lives? How does staying focused on Truth help us stay focused on our mission? How does it help us avoid some of the traps we encounter in this world?

4) Why is our purity important? How does if impact those closest with us? How does it effect our ability to witness?

5) This passage talks about avoiding arguments but at the same time Paul is confronting false teachings. What kind of “disputes” are worthwhile for believers to get involved in? What are not worthwhile? Give examples.

6) These verses are not simply a things to do or not to do, but demonstrate a life living in the hope of leading others to repentance. Is your life focused on this mission? What things are distracting you from the mission we have been given? What is one thing that will change in your life because of this scripture?